Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer 2010!

So I have been horrible about writing on this, I will try to do better but life is going to get busy again because classes start on August 30th, which is only a few days away. But here is a recap of summer 2010:
Came home from being abroad and was happy to be home to see everyone, but after seeing everyone I wanted to go back. If someone said do you want to go to Europe I would in a heartbeat, I wouldn't even have to think about it.
Started working at the Early Learning Center at SMC one week after I got home, I was nervous that the kids would not remember me, some were shy at first but they came around. I worked 40 hours a week there for most of the summer except for two weeks when I hung out with my neighbors daughters, which was a nice break from 2-3 year olds. So by the end of the week I was tired! Now I don't want you thinking that I did not have any fun because I did on the weekends, mostly the weekend nights!
When I was not working or having fun I was studying for the Praxis 2, which I mentioned in an earlier post and I just found out that I ... PASSED!!!! I was super excited and it was the perfect timing because I was just heading down to Boston to see a Red Sox game (which they won and it was Vermont day) and it put me in a great mood.
This week I have been packing up all my belongings, not just clothes, but dishes, pots and pans, photos etc because on Saturday I am moving to Saint Michael's for the last time ever, which is bittersweet because it is my Senior year and this time next year I could be teaching, Wow!

I still need to put a post up from my trip to Italy with my sister, but right now I do not have time to write it, so when I get some free time, who knows when that is going to be, I will write it.

Love to all,

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